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Embody Peace

Hello and welcome! I am a 500 hour Certified Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapist and have been helping folks for many years to have a more nurturing, kind and loving relationship with their body as well as calming their nervous system.  I have a background as a mental health clinician for 30 years as well. I love creating and teaching therapeutic yoga tools based on the need of individuals, groups and organizations with a foundation in embodying peace, calm and connection.  

I felt a "coming home" when I first landed on a yoga mat 20 years ago and knew instantly some day I would teach.  The experience was so powerful just by linking breath with movement that a strong sense of renewal arrived. 

I owe such gratitude to the master level teachers at Inner Vision Yoga.  I received my yoga teacher credential there in 2008 and my first credential as a yoga therapist (300 hour) in 2013.  In 2020 I elevated my training to be credentialed as a 500 hour certified yoga therapist in Healing Emphasis Yoga. 

I love hiking with my support "tribe", enjoying a great cup of coffee, traveling, and studying topics relating to neuroscience, Dr. Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory, mind-body psychology, and trauma informed yoga. 

Facilitating therapeutic yoga IS my Svadharma (Passion and Purpose).  Peace 2U....

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